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ip.labs Team Insights

Learn what's new at ip.labs ᐅ Team news, company events and more

ip.labs Art Night

On 6th of July ip.labs Art Night took place once again, the previous one was in 2019! After a long pause, our team finally enjoyed it on site! After work, our colleagues started unleashing their creativity. By the end of the event, our office space was lighted up the wonderful paintings of our coworkers. Throughout the event, naturally, there were wholesome conversations, lots of fun and sufficient amount of snacks and drinks were also there to power up our hardworking artists.

Bonn Night Run 2023

On Wednesday, 07.06.2023, a couple of our colleagues participated in the FunRun. There were three...

My Internship at ip.labs

"Hello, everyone! 👋My name is Vita and I'm 15 years old. Yesterday I started my 2-weeks-internship...

Let's Grow Together: ip.labs Approach to People Development

The way we think people development at ip.labs – this is what I am so happy to give you sneak peek...

How FrOSCon Helped Me to Broaden My Horizons

This year's FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference) took place at the end of August,...

Company Event: ip.labs Get-Together

Have you had a team event during the pandemic? Big group events are a particularly tough challenge...